Dr. sleep vs Brightburn Horror comparison


Lockdown may have been amended in the UK, but I am sure you still have time for a sneaky movie every now and again. I’m comparing films, to help you select the best form of entertainment, in these strange times. Who you gonna call ? Reasea.org 🙂

Film introduction

Dr sleep is a drama/fantasy/horror movie released in 2019. Brightburn is a drama/horror/mystery movie also released in 2019.

What I like (Dr. Sleep) (9/10)

Dr. Sleep has an unusual and quirky opening, which captures attention well. A simple, yet distinctive storyline, keeps you engaged through quieter moments. Great disconcerting tension raising sound effects are employed.

Plot is complex enough to retain interest throughout,  the lengthy 3 hours. The action level of the film is high. It’s message is strong, and is “be true to yourself no matter how bleak the odds”.

What I like (Brightburn) (8/10)

Brightburn has a fairly mediocre opening. Family remains a key theme throughout, with action building to a great climax at the end. Gore and horror become greater themes throughout. Sound effects are kept unusual, and emotions in times of distress, are far more shocking than in Dr. Sleep. The film gets better throughout, building to a great ending. Brightburn is truer to the horror/drama than Dr. Sleep.


Dr. Sleep is not the horror I wanted it to be. It had evil themes, but the effects weren’t shocking enough. Action in the film was woven in extremely well, to a strong message throughout. The whole experience was top notch. It was highly entertaining as a Fantasy/Mystery style film.

The plot of Brightburn was far simpler, which suited a shorter movie. Enough action prevailed, keeping it a distinctive and exciting movie. It started a little slow, and wasn’t quite as thought provoking as Dr. Sleep. It made up for it in tension though. Brightburn was more of a horror than Dr. Sleep.


Dr. Sleep is an amazing Mystery/Fantasy film to watch in one go. Don’t be put off by its 3 hour duration. One of the rare films to fill its lengthy body, with great mystery and adventure. 1000% worth a watch !!

Brightburn will please horror fans more, yet isn’t as clever in storyline, hence the lower rating.

Both films are worth watching…

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Edits by reasea.org

Tags: Brightburn, dr sleep, horror, doctor, movie, review, comparison, lockdown, 2020, 2019 horror, reaseaorg, reasoned, and, seasoned, Brightburn, bright, burn, mystery, action, drama, blogging, popularposts, 



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